Erotic stories of Robyn

Profile page of Robyn. . All of his stories for adults. The statistics and survey all its erotic stories online.

Robyn wrote 2 erotic stories which have been read 15.1K times

Incest | 1
Zoophilia | 1
2019-06-04 22:55:17
2018-09-28 03:01:16
The Quiet ManMy brother David 26 is a very quiet person, not shy just doesn't talk much. He's content to move along at his own pace and works his own farm, he bought from our grandparents. When wanted to retire, David has worked since leaving school at 14 and saved his money and with a bank loan got the farm. It's a good farm and he's happy there, he has some horses that he got from the local animal shelter and me and my life partner Lucy 28 go there to ride them regularly. I'm Robyn 29 a lesbian and David i...reading time 5 mingenre
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InheritanceEarly last year my only sibling passed away and as the only beneficiary, I got everything. My brother Daniel was very well off, self made and never married. I'm Robyn 53 worked in casual jobs, had 3 divorces and 1 child Debra 25 married 2 children and works and lives overseas. She rarely calls me as she is her fathers girl, so I had little concern about her feelings. She hated Daniel as he had knocked out her father after he had hit me. This was when I left them and got a divorce. So all I had t...reading time 5 mingenre
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