Erotic stories of Neil

Profile page of Neil. . All of his stories for adults. The statistics and survey all its erotic stories online.

Neil wrote 3 erotic stories which have been read 5.2K times

Incest | 3
2022-06-20 06:14:40
2021-08-30 03:21:19
All Thanks to the Coronavirus update 2Kimberley has again test positive to being pregnant, Kathy is in her last trimester and we're all still sleeping together every night except when our parents visit, but I had a Jack and Jill bathroom installed on the back of the house so the master bedroom and the second bedroom are joined by it and we can join each other without visiting relatives knowing. When no relatives visiting the second bedroom is Kimberley and Kathy's dressing room. Little Gregory usually sleeps in his cot in the master...reading time 1 mingenre
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All Thanks to the Coronavirus updateMy sister Kimberly moved in with me when coronavirus started, she later asked me to father her child as her body clock was ticking. I agreed and we had our son Gregory and our family believes she had I V F and I asked her about more children and she said she would think it over. Also our parents asked her to help find me a wife and she said she would try. Try she did, her friend Kathy 34 (Katherine) single and quite shy especially around men. Kimberly got us together several times and Kimberly h...reading time 1 mingenre
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All Thanks to the CoronavirusI'm Neil 34 single and youngest of 3 and haven't had much success with women. All the sex I had I had to pay for. I'm short 5'3" skinny and have male pattern baldness and wear glasses, I do have my own home and due to the coronavirus my sister Kimberly 39 single and eldest of my siblings came to stay with me. Arthur 37 my brother lives and works interstate close to our parents with his family. Kimberly was stood down because of the coronavirus causing the company to close as to the lockdown bein...reading time 4 mingenre
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