Erotic stories of Morgan

Profile page of Morgan. . All of his stories for adults. The statistics and survey all its erotic stories online.

Morgan wrote 3 erotic stories which have been read 3.5K times

Straight | 3
2023-08-07 04:59:44
2021-09-21 01:32:17
My Neighbor Shirley updateShirley had our child a boy last year, we called our first James after Shirley previous husband. With my ex-wife living next door to me and Shirley and both Shirley and Lorraine getting on very well together and a gateway installed between the yards to allow Buddy to go back and forth my 3 children by Lorraine love him. But a problem I thought cropped up early this year as Shirley, Lorraine and I went out partying for new year and Lorraine's mother Jean was looking after the four children, well ...reading time 1 mingenre
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My Neighbor ShirleyFour years ago I moved into my new home, I had just got divorce and was starting anew. I'm right on the corner and so had only one neighbor. In the side street was old empty shops next to my place and they were later pulled down and warehouse built in their place. So I stay away from people a lot, not mixing and so I didn't meet my neighbor for a while. I worked from home and that allowed me to keep out of sight and didn't go out at night to meet or pickup women. I'm Morgan 43 and have 3 childre...reading time 4 mingenre
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Just by ChanceEarly last year I was working interstate and ended up getting caught by a lockdown, as soon as it was over I went to my next job. I'm a engineer and work for a major construction firm and rarely in one place a long time. I'm the the company trouble shooter and am called in to solve problems that crop up now and then. While at the new job sight I stayed at a nearby motel. I got chatting to a housemaid and ended up bedding her, Rachel 42 has 2 daughters Joanna 23 and Kristy 19 and I found out by l...reading time 2 mingenre
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