Erotic stories of MisterKay
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MisterKay wrote 112 erotic stories which have been read 626.6K times
Church Camp Counselor Gives In Order To ReceiveAt bunk checks I went to Misty's bunk. She was laying on her side. Her long red hair was still wet from her shower. The smell of her sweet hair and body wash along with the thoughts of fucking her again tonight made my cock hard. I positioned my body to shield my hand as I slid it under the blanket and grabbed her heavy tittie. She was on her side and her titties had been pushed up. The spaghetti strap top was not holding them in. I whispered "meet me at the wooden shed near the river when ... reading time 8 mingenreFetishwritten on
Church Camp Counselor finds more secretsThe next day after I popped her cherry I decided I would take it easy as I could tell the way she was walking at breakfast that she was sore. Not gonna lie. I was proud.
I purposely avoided her as I was giving the teen girls that had the porn magazine some attention.
Misty was too shy to be intrusive so she just watched me from a distance.
When we took the teens to the river to go swimming Misty was determined to get my attention.
I like that she was jealous but I couldn't let it get out... reading time 3 mingenre
Fetishwritten on
Church Camp Counselor Can't wait any longerAfter getting Misty more comfortable me. I've made her cum several times. She's started to initiate giving me pleasure and keeping our secret. I've got to find a place where I can fuck her.... tonight! I can't wait any longer.
I walked around the church campgrounds looking for a place that I can take Misty and fuck her. But it's got to be far enough from the bunk rooms if she yells when I break her hymen but not too far so I can get back if I'm missed.
I found it!!! There is a tool shed at... reading time 8 mingenre
Fetishwritten on
Church Camp Counselor gives SexEd sessionI was feeling quite confident in my calculated risks with Misty. So far she has been worth everything.
When the teens were given free time. I hung with the other counselors made small talk and made adjustments to the activities due to weather changing.
Brother Steven (the man in charge) asked about Misty. I assured him that she was doing OK, not too comfortable around the other teens and was not able to follow any complicated instructions but she was good at following the simple instructio... reading time 10 mingenre
Fetishwritten on
Church Camp Counselor is sneaking in the darkI couldn't sleep. I tossed and turned bunk. I glanced at the clock it blinked 3:13. I slowly got out of bed and quietly walked out to the river's edge.
I was horny. I could stop thinking about Misty. The way her nipples are perfect for sucking and biting, the way her hand fits perfect around my cock. The way she trust me is such a turn on. Then the way she either squirts or she looses her bladder when she cums from only nipple sucking.
I decided I would go skinny dipping to relax. The c... reading time 3 mingenre
Fetishwritten on
visitsChurch Camp Counselor has more funLater that 3rd day we gave the teens free time so they could call their parents, and do whatever they wanted. I was swinging in a hammock when I heard my name being called. "Brother Josh, Sister Carrie wants you in the chapel". One teen yelled to me. I made my way to the chapel. Once my eyes adjusted to the shadows I heard sniffling. I saw Misty crying into the lap of Sister Carrie. My heart sank as I feared that Misty had told of my touching, sucking and groping adventures I've had with h... reading time 6 mingenre
Fetishwritten on
Church camp counselor getting bolder with MistyThe next morning after breakfast the teens broke into smaller groups. I knew I could only spend time with Misty but I wanted to keep eyes on her.
She went to the arts area first. I went to the barn to help with the horse riding. When it was Misty's group to come to the horses I made sure to grab Misty to help her.
I brought the horse into the stall and I was showing Misty how to brush the coat of the horse. I stepped behind her and pressed my hard cock against her sweaty back. I moved my ha... reading time 7 mingenre
Fetishwritten on
Church camp counselor at the alterThat night after dinner was served the teens were brought into the chapel for services.
I sat on the front pew and stared at Brother Steven who preached. Now of course I couldn't tell what he preached about because my mind was on sweet, innocent, drop-dead sexy Misty.
I was brought out of my day dream when the piano started playing as the alter call started.
A few teens came and knelt at the alter I went to one boy.
Ryan was a jock. A total meat-head. He was as arrogant as they came.
Wh... reading time 13 mingenre
Fetishwritten on
visits'Stella's camping fun continuesStella and I made it back to the kayak and she cleaned her cum coated fur then she cleaned Kyann's pussy juice off my cock. She kept licking my cock till she got it hard again. Nothing new with Stella. She knew how to please her daddy. She began to slide my cock over her tongue as she licked my balls. I could feel the back of her throat against the tip of my cock. Stella was making sucking movements with her tongue. I knew if I didn't get to the bank I would flip us. So the instant the t... reading time 5 mingenre
Zoophiliawritten on
Stella gets a gangbangI decided to take Stella camping with me at the Springs. After setting up camp Stella and I jumped on the kayak and started drifting with the current.
Stella made her self comfortable sitting on my lap. I drank my beer and we drifted. Stella starting to pant so I thought she may had to go relie herself. So I made way to the bank. Stella jumped off and went running.
I relieved myself and went to look for Stella. I yelled for her and she came running. Then she turned and went back into t... reading time 6 mingenre
Zoophiliawritten on
Stella saves our assesWe heard the truck door slam. We crouched down to try to blend in with the hay bales and farm animals.
We saw Todd walk into the barn. He let out a whistle and one of the donkeys came running. It was a male donkey. Who was excited by the size of his cock bouncing under him.
Russ and I stayed still and quiet as we hid in the stall. We had a clear line of sight from the stall to Todd in the center of the barn.
The gray donkey's behavior was not typical as he was acting more like a female in h... reading time 4 mingenre
Zoophiliawritten on
Stella gets pleasures againOne evening after locking the vet door Rus called me to the kennels.
I yelled for him to make it quick that Bella was bitching up a storm wanting to get fucked.
I walked in the kennel room and didn't see Rus. I looked in the very back and saw him inside a kennel with one of the new dogs.
He was in with King. King is a mastiff and he was huge. He was 170 pounds and easily 4 foot at the shoulder. King was here in our vet to get snipped.
As my eyes adjusted I saw Russ stroking King's massive... reading time 9 mingenre
Zoophiliawritten on
visitsWinning at mom's gameLater that night I sat outside near the pool. I had finally figured out that mom hadn't been fucked in 40 years. No wonder get pussy was so tight. I had a nice buz from great fuck session with my mom and a 6 pack of beer. I laid on the chaise just enjoying the distant thunder when I heard the door open. I looked over and saw mom walking towards me. As she stood next to my chaise I saw that she was wearing her robe. She landed over and kissed me. Her lips and the way our tongue danced m... reading time 6 mingenre
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Begging mom for answers I say on the sofa with my cock going soft as I watch mom walk away.
I shove my sticky semisoft cock back in my shorts and head to the kitchen.
Mom was stirring her chili. I walked over grabbed her hand turned her around. Lifted her up and sat her on the counter.
She's laughing and trying to protest.
"Mom. What is going on?" I snap.
Mom stops laughing and sighs deeply.
Before asking "what son? What are you talking about?"
"Mom. I could fuck and suck you all day every day. But mom tel... reading time 5 mingenre
Incestwritten on
Trying to win at mom's gameI went and showered and then went out to finally run my errands.
Once I got done I called mom to see if she needed anything before I headed back.
She asked if I could go pick up a package that was at the post office.
So I did. Then headed home.
When I pulled up I saw that my dad hadn't returned yet.
I carried mom's package in and set it on the counter. I yelled for mom. But didn't hear her. I sampled her chili and it was to die for.
I walked into the living room and plopped in the... reading time 5 mingenre
Incestwritten on
Pushing caring for CarrieWhen Trent calmed down and cleaned himself up. I continued to rock Carrie to keep her calm.
I watched the porn on the TV and I had moved my fingers down to her sloppy pussy. I worked my fingers slowly, one by one into her pussy as not to scare her. But I was going to die literally die if I didn't feel her coming on my cock.
I leaned Carrie into her side and I kept my fingers in her pussy.
I moved my mouth to her neck. I kissed and sucked her skin. Careful not to leave a hickie. I felt... reading time 4 mingenre
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Stella gets fucked againThe next day after giving Stella the 3 for dildo and my arm deep in her pussy she still followed me around the barn. She would back her ass up to and make her neighing sounds.
I kept pushing her away telling her I had to get my chores done.
Finally around noon I was alone in the stables.
I walked into an empty stall. Stella started nuzzling her nose against my crotch.
I rubbed her ears "you want to get fucked girl. Ok. Ok. Here" I told her as I pushed my pants down and she started suckin... reading time 4 mingenre
Zoophiliawritten on
Mom is winning at her gameI showered and then headed to run some errands and to call my ex back since I don't remember much of what she was bitching about. I only remember she interrupted me giving my mom the kind of fucking that I used to give her. But oh well. Her lost now.
As I wake through the kitchen headed outside I saw mom in the laundry room. She had her back to me as she faced the sink. She was scrubbing a stain out of something. I became mesmerized watching her big ass jiggle in her skirt with her movemen... reading time 8 mingenre
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Playing mom's gameI have battled myself for hours trying to figure out why mom allows me and even initiated sex with me. But then she walks away like I have done something wrong.
So I decided I would let her initiate again. Just so I'm not forcing her.
So all the next day. Nothing. Dad stayed home all day. Mom cleaned and cooked. I made myself busy with silly things so I wouldn't be tormented by knowing how good my mom kisses, how big her nipples are, how heavy her titties are, how hairy her pussy is, ... reading time 8 mingenre
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Mixed signals from momI stayed in my room for the rest of the night trying to figure out what I did to mom.... well besides sucking, fucking and kissing well.
I drifted off to sleep still wondering. I was awaken by my mom sitting on my bed. I propped up on my elbow. "Is everything alright mom?" I asked in a whisper as in not sure what's going on.
"Yes baby. It's time for you to nurse". As my eyes adjusted I saw mom sitting on my bed in one of her nylon breastfeeding nightgowns. She had one of her massive tit... reading time 7 mingenre
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Babysitter Billy let's me playOne warm day Billy allowed me to go play in the kiddie pool. I knew I couldn't wear clothes in the pool so I took them off before going outside.
I was playing with my sharks when Billy told me he had a new kid coming over today. Then Tina came through the door carrying a little girl. She was chocolate brown with her hair in braids.
Tina said the new kid's name was Mia. Mia is two years old and is going to be coming to play with us.
I asked if Katie was coming back. I was assured that "y... reading time 9 mingenre
Fetishwritten on
Pray harderAfter my affair with Brother James and we prayed for forgiveness I was relieved to have that burden gone. At home a few nights later I was sitting outside on my back porch. I was reading my Bible. My phone rang. When I looked at the caller-id I saw Brother James.
Instantly my heart started racing, my mouth went dry and my palms started sweating.
My voice crackled when I said "hello"
"Well good evening Ma'am. I hope I'm not interrupting anything at this hour" he said inquisitive like.
"No... reading time 6 mingenre
Cheatingwritten on
Wanting mom againAfter mom closed the bathroom door I took that as my time to leave. When I was back in my room I sat on my bed with my head in my hands wondering 'what the fuck?"
I could still smell my mom's pussy juice on my cock which is now smeared in my boxers.
I decided to just play it cool. No big deal, don't bring it up" I told myself. And I tried. I swear I tried not to think about "how good my mom felt, how sweet her nipples tasted, how tight her pussy was, how fucking amazing that she wanted ... reading time 10 mingenre
Incestwritten on
I pray for forgivenessI'm a happily married 38 year old. I have 2 kids. I volunteer as our church's secretary. My husband is the youth minister and an insurance officer.
I stood in front of the mirror in the church bathroom. I smoothed my long brown hair. I smiled and checked my teeth. I pushed my tits up in my bra. I adjusted my skirt to keep myself neat. I took a deep breath and told myself "ok. This is a good as it gets".
I walked back into the backroom to get started organizing the choir song books.
I ... reading time 4 mingenre
Cheatingwritten on
Moving back homeI'm a 40 year old newly divorced man. 6'1 and about 200 pounds. I am not the fittest, but not the softest either. I got med boarded from the military. My wife was a tag-chaser and wanted to keep chasing others. Anyways I'm back home.
My parents are both retired. My mom... oh my mom. She is a true Italian lady. Short, long black hair with streaks of gray. Huge tits. I've never seen her without a bra. Her bras are 40DDD. Her stomach is big, soft and shows she loves to eat. Her ass. Yeah let... reading time 11 mingenre
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