Erotic stories of Madamine
Profile page of Madamine. . All of his stories for adults. The statistics and survey all its erotic stories online.
Madamine wrote 1 erotic stories which have been read 12.7K times
Disgraceful Acts With LukeIt was a busy day at home. I was cooking and cleaning and making sure everything was put together while my husband was upstairs doing work. My dog, Luke, a happy chocolate lab followed me from room to room. He sat with me while I put some food in the oven, and then came with me on my way to do laundry. At one point I leaned down to pull piles of laundry from the dryer. It was all tangled in a long blanket. "Oh !"I cried. "Some of it is still wet" I grumbled. Luke was alarmed, running over and ... reading time 7 mingenreZoophiliawritten on