Erotic stories of Eugene

Profile page of Eugene. . All of his stories for adults. The statistics and survey all its erotic stories online.

Eugene wrote 3 erotic stories which have been read 5.2K times

Incest | 3
2022-05-05 18:40:53
2021-08-28 04:39:52
My Aunt Holly update2Holly returned and our baby is due next month, Natasha and I married in January and she is also pregnant. Glenda still sleeps with me, Natasha and Holly we are all quite happy together. But I've started looking for a bigger house to cope with my expanding family, no hurry yet but with Holly deciding to have another child and Natasha wanting 4 we'll need it sooner or later. Glenda is providing most of the sex I get at the moment, Holly gives head jobs and Natasha has morning sickness and gives he...reading time 1 mingenre
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My Aunt Holly updateI had a sexual relationship with my aunt Holly and then she left as was usual for her. But I was kept sexually satisfied by my neighbor Glenda 58 who lived and cared for her mother Nancy who sadly passed away in September. I helped Glenda with everything after her mother's passing and we stayed together most of the time and Glenda sold her home and moved in with me as she has no close relatives. Holly came back and stayed a week sleeping with the both of us and while she was staying with us. I m...reading time 2 mingenre
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My Aunt HollyI'm Eugene 29 eldest of 3 and my mother Ashley is the eldest of 5 and was 9 when her only sister Holly 37 was born. Ashley married at 17 and having me in the first year of her marriage. My parents Jeremy and Ashley moved interstate shortly after their marriage and we have lived there ever since. Holly was a bit of a wild child growing up from what I heard and ended up leaving her family home at 18 and went rogue as they say. Not keeping in touch for long periods and the reappearing and then gone...reading time 6 mingenre
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