Erotic stories of Clyde

Profile page of Clyde. . All of his stories for adults. The statistics and survey all its erotic stories online.

Clyde wrote 1 erotic stories which have been read 2.9K times

My rich AuntMy aunt Marian 46 my mother's younger sister married Reginald 62 when she was 18 and they had 2 children who now left home. I'm Clyde 24 youngest of 4 and the only one not to go further than high school. I left school as soon as I could and ended up working low paid jobs and moving around the country. Then late last year I visited home and Marian was also visiting at the time, Reginald (doesn't answer to Reg) was away and playing golf with business clients. Marian was at a loose end and so visit...reading time 4 mingenre
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