Erotic stories of Capnron48
Profile page of Capnron48. . All of his stories for adults. The statistics and survey all its erotic stories online.
Capnron48 wrote 1 erotic stories which have been read 150.7K times
Discovering the joys of the dog knot... My wife and I were in our mid 40s when we discovered the joys of the K9 knot. Our daughter and her BF had gone on a 5 day cruise out of Tampa,Florida and we agreed to keep her Bfs doberman, Baron. He was a big clumsy dog about 7-8 years old. It took him about a day to stop wondering around the house and finally settled down. The second evening he was with us, we were sitting in our den, listening to music and having a few rum and cokes. Baron was lying all sprawled out in the floor at my wi... reading time 3 mingenreZoophiliawritten on