Erotic stories of Bernard

Profile page of Bernard. . All of his stories for adults. The statistics and survey all its erotic stories online.

Bernard wrote 3 erotic stories which have been read 3.4K times

Straight | 3
2022-06-08 19:18:01
2021-09-06 01:55:19
Great FunI started work at small part of the family firm, book shop started by my great great grandfather Douglas and it expanded into the large business we have today. But it is the only book selling part of the business and is so unique in the company. Being the quiet one, as I'm referred to as. I was put in charge of the bookshop, shortly after taking over. The local government want the land and we had to move to another site. Lucky the family businesses include real estate and it was a simple task I ...reading time 4 mingenre
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My three MarriagesI'm Bernard 45 have 5 children and married Kristine 43, when I was 17 I married Kristine and had a daughter Mary and when I was 20 we divorced. I married again at 23 to Kristine and had 2 sons twins Richard and Ryan and we divorced again at 28 and finally marrying again at 35 and having another daughter Elaine and a son Bernard, we are still married today and still have a great sex life like always and we never had any other sexual partners ever. Even when we were divorced we still had regular s...reading time 1 mingenre
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The office cleanerI'm Bernard married 3 children and partner in a business, the business owns a 2 story office building and our uses the whole building. I was bored with everything earlier this year, my wife Kathy was away visiting her parents with the children. I had to stay as I was finishing a project and so was home alone. I was staying back after everyone else having finished for the day. The cleaner came in around 6pm and started her work, she usually took 3 hours to do the whole place. Mary 59 is slender ...reading time 4 mingenre
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