Erotic stories of ApexOfLust
Profile page of ApexOfLust. . All of his stories for adults. The statistics and survey all its erotic stories online.
ApexOfLust wrote 4 erotic stories which have been read 6.8K times
Fetish | 3
Straight | 1
2022-06-27 15:12:08
2022-06-22 00:18:32
Fetishwritten on
Medication and Lactation Pt. 1***All characters in this story are 18 years of age or older***
My sister clapped her hands together and gave me the best puppy-dog eyes she could manage. “Please? It would really make my night. Jay and I haven’t had a date night in weeks! And every time I visit her she wants to chat for hours…”
I smirked. I was exhausted, but I could never say “no” to her. I was the big brother, right? It was my job to help.
“Alright,” I conceded as I snatched the brown paper bag from the living room table. ... reading time 12 mingenre
Fetishwritten on
Meeting Scarlet***All characters in this story are 18 years or older***
“Then we have a deal?” I asked the two men who sat facing each other across the large conference room table. They each nodded in turn.
“Great!” I exclaimed, and I meant it. I had been mediating this negotiation for over two weeks. At points, it felt like the whole thing was going to fall apart. But we managed to pull it off.
This was easily the biggest case I had ever taken. Sitting between these two giants of business high up in this t... reading time 17 mingenre
Straightwritten on
visitsUse Me***All characters in this story are 18 years or older*** I wasn’t sure what I was doing there. I should’ve been in my hotel room analyzing why the deal I had put together had just fallen apart. I’m a mediator (a very good one, I might add), which means I help individuals and companies work through their differences and come to an agreement before the courts and lawyers get involved. That didn’t happen this time. I had flown out to Silicon Valley to finalize an agreement between two tech compa... reading time 22 mingenre
Fetishwritten on