Erotic stories of Allyoursbaby
Profile page of Allyoursbaby. . All of his stories for adults. The statistics and survey all its erotic stories online.
Allyoursbaby wrote 1 erotic stories which have been read 9.6K times
A white hot secret... Rose’s taleRose had decided she’d had enough of waiting for hot builder (her nickname for him) to make a move and decided she was going to take it whether he wanted it or not. But she knew he would because who wouldn’t want her? She know she oozed sexual appeal, and could turn any guy hard with a bite of her lip. She dropped hints with her boss that hot builder needed to work from the upstairs office today as he had a lot on his plate and needed somewhere quiet to work. She thought ahead and wore her skirt... reading time 7 mingenreThreesomewritten on